行一建築 / 彭文苑建築師事務所 / YUAN ARCHITECTS Architecture, Interior, Landscape
T +886-(0)2-2577-8910F +886-(0)2-2577-8890
No.15, Aly. 29, Ln. 120, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan 10553
一個充滿能量與熱情的全方位設計公司, 以人文, 創新與數位整合的設計思維與空間創作為出發,透過空間的力量與手法來面對環境的議題,尋找一種空間感官的平衡, 將人, 自然與生活融合為一, 試圖在建築, 室內, 景觀到數位的領域中落實一種兼具在地人文內涵與國際觀點的空間作品.
An international design firm focusing on strategy, architecture and design for architecture, interior and exhibition projects,the team has a wealth of experience and comprises architects, interior designers, decorators, graphic designers and digital experts.
畢業於逢甲大學建築系,美國德州大學奧斯丁分校建築碩士,曾於美國洛杉磯Teague Design與英國倫敦Zaha Hadid Architects任職主導設計師, 現為行一建築Yuan Architects總監。曾多次獲得國際與國內各大設計獎項, 如: 德國IF設計大獎, 中華建築金石獎設計規劃類首獎、Design for Asia Award亞洲最具影響力大獎、TID Award台灣室內設計大獎,華鼎獎建築設計方案一等獎等, 並榮獲國際設計藝術博覽會十大最具創新設計人物、亞洲50位最具潛力華人設計師、亞洲設計明日之星, 中國20位新勢力榜設計師際殊榮, 作品遍及台灣, 中國與東南亞。
學歷 Academic Degree:
B.Arch , Feng Chia University
M.Arch II , University of Texas at Austin, Architecture design first prize
專業資歷 Professional:
Registered Architect
國立交通大學建築研究所 兼任助理教授
Adjunct Assistant Professor of NCTU Architecture
中國文化大學建築系 兼任助理教授
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chinese Culture
CSID室內設計協會 國際事務執行長
International Affairs CEO of Chinese Society of Interior Designers
Hsinchu, Taiwan 台灣 新竹
在山坡的地形上刻意將生活平面抬高創造出生活的隱私性同時也提供家庭一個舒適的戶外活動空間. 一道曲牆貫穿建築內外, 界定空間的內與外以及公與私
Built on a hillside, the home intentionally elevates the living space to provide privacy while offering a comfortable outdoor activity space for families. A curved wall running through the building defines the exterior and interior, separating the public space from the private.
建築量體上則用一片大屋頂將自然的戶外生活與居家的室內生活融合為一, 象徵”一個屋簷下的生活”.
By using big roof to merge outdoor nature and indoor life in order to symbolize "living under one roof"
建築面對著一片美麗的丘林綠景. 透過設計將生活從室內透過錯落的露台往山景延伸與自然連結, 讓生活得以在自然與建築之間的各種場景裡得到滿足.
Facing a beautiful scenery of green hills, the building features staggered balconies that extend the indoor living space to the mountain landscape, offering a connection with nature that brings a sense of fulfillment to daily life.
Taipei, taiwan 台灣 台北
三層樓的住宅坐落于山坡地社區的一偶, 前後高低差的地勢使然, 住宅的入口是由建築的中間第二層延伸到室內. 人與空間互動的動線由路面而來的水平移動到建築後側靠近山景的區域開始翻轉而垂直闊散的延伸到上下樓層的空間中.
Hwasoeng Villa locate in the corner of hill, Because of terrain, Villa's entrance start with second floor and continue into interior space. Interaction between people and space start from street and move horizontally into villa where is mountain view area, start with back of building space move vertically go through villa.
Taipei, Taiwan 台灣 台北
建築宛若一顆原生的石頭般靜靜地坐落在山裡, 隨著時間與自然慢慢的雕塑出生活的面貌. 讓生活與心靈也跟隨著自然回歸到最原始的單純與純粹.
House locate in the mountain area quietly like a nature stone, and provide resident living aspect as time goes on.
內部的空間由生活的樣貌與自然的光影雕塑而初. 由內而外的開口同時暗示著內部空間的構成也引導著開口框出自然裡不同向度景貌
Interior space provide by living aspect and nature light, The opening provide interior space nature view from different directions.
Taitung, Taiwan 台灣 台東
建築坐落于台灣東岸一望無際的稻田地景上, 像是土地裡長出來的空間, 樸實而靜抑. 使用著在屋頂與大地之間漂浮的平面上生活著, 四面都是土地與自然, 家 就是一處可以遮風避雨的自然之處, 既是室內也是戶外.
House surrounding by the paddy field locate in the east coast of Taiwan, House hidden in the field just like it growing from the earth.
Taichung, taiwan 台灣,台中
這建築是一處能同時承載生活與工作的處場與空間, 能提供一種彈性的生活方式與空間, 讓使用者可以隨著時間調整工作與生活的比重, 而依舊能符合兩者機能的使用.
Soho house is a multi-function building which provide residents living and working space, therefore, residents can adjust the proportion of working-time.
Hsinchu, Taiwan 台灣 新竹
Tainan, Taiwan 台灣 台南
The design is inspired by the Scriptures. The arrangement of space reinterprets the role of the church in the community and in people’s minds in this fast-changing era.
Changhua, Taiwan 台灣,彰化
Taipei, Taiwan 台灣 台北
建築坐落于百米公園的邊陲地帶, 面對開闊的綠地與廣場, 總是能感受到風輕拂的吹過, 為生活帶來一絲的愜意與舒適.
Building locate next to a park facing landscape and plaza, residents can always feel breeze path through.
Guangdong, china 中國 廣東
Taoyuan, Taiwan 台灣 桃園
“行雲流水” 是我們空間設計上的主要概念, 希望透過一個自然的意象來作為空間設計的主軸, 轉畫自然中的水流, 風, 與雲的意象成為設計的主要元素.
Water symbolizes life. the most vivid and subtle rhythm of water lies between the rhythms and the aftertones, the invisible and the visible, while embodying an endless and rising amount of energy. derived from the water and transformed into a spatial embodiment of water, this design aims to reinterpret a contemporary public space within a residential arena.
Tainan, Taiwan 台灣 台南
這住宅是提供給ㄧ對長年旅居美國的夫妻, 決定回家鄉定居生根的住所. 設計上企圖融合業主的成長背景裡的”東方哲學”與” 西方元素”, 去營造一個能反應出屋主個性的獨特住家: 一處兼具西方的活潑動感與東方的內斂平衡特質的居住空間
This residence belongs to a couple that relocated back to their hometown after spending many years in the United States. Its design is an attempt to mix the “Eastern connotations” from their upbringing together with traits derived from the “Western spirit”, resulting in a living space that reflects the individuality of the owners. At the same time, it combines Western modern mastery with the distinguished characteristics of Eastern inner-balance.
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 台灣 台北
Taipei, Taiwan 台灣 台北
Taipei, Taiwan 台灣台北
行一建築 / 彭文苑建築師事務所 / YUAN ARCHITECTS Architecture, Interior, Landscape
T +886-(0)2-2577-8910F +886-(0)2-2577-8890
No.15, Aly. 29, Ln. 120, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan 10553