Community cultural center 社區文化展示中心

Location: Chengdu, China 中國 成都
Typology: Mixed use
Size: 8000m²
Status: Built

這座社區文化中心,有如一幅東方的山水畫,由近而遠垂直向的描繪著空間. 是建築亦是景觀,是山也是水。「映山-川西若水」將自然景觀中的山與水融入建築的元素中,成就獨特的建築體驗。


設計企圖融合建築與自然的邊界。通透的玻璃主體中,懸吊著一片如山嶺般起伏,如溪水般律動的天花元素。像是一座倒著的山景,透過水池的倒映, 在水面上形成一幅「水中有山」的景色。在山與水之間的對話中,描繪著自然中有建築、建築中有自然的共融景象。

Depicting space vertically from near to far, this community cultural center is similar to an Eastern landscape painting.  It is both building and landscape - both mountain and water. "Yingshan-Ruoshui in Western Sichuan" integrates the mountains and water of natural landscapes into architectural elements, creating a unique architectural experience.

In the design, the famous terraces of Sichuan are used for the architectural and landscape vocabulary.  Through stairs, the platform and scene create high and low entrances from bottom to top, enabling an integrated linkage between the building and landscape.  From west to east and low to high, a path to stroll through the river valley landscape is created that extends the high waterscape and faces the urban streetscape, enabling the experience of a spatial transition from nature to city.  The fusion between transparent high-rise space and waterscape serves as both the beginning and end of the journey.  Slowly strolling along the water trail is a meditative ritual from city to nature and back.

The design attempts to merge the boundaries between architecture and nature. In the transparent glass structure, there is a flowing element that undulates like a mountain and moves like a stream. Like an inverted mountain view, a scene of "mountains in the water" is formed in the reflection of the water. In the dialogue between mountain and water, it depicts the scene of a communion of architecture in nature and nature in architecture.