家與宅 2025想家計劃
Location: Taipei, Taiwan 台灣 台北
Typology: Residential
Status: Competition

在都市裡的「次環境」裡,規劃一個「空間平台系統」讓他們可以群聚形成一個自由而彈性「家」。來自世界各地的個體,因為城市/工作/生活的選擇而在這裡「交匯/群居」,經歷不同的長度的停留後而又分離。它是一個「生活的驛站」是「城市的縮影/Mini city」,是「住所/Place」也是個「家/Home」。
For the young generation who stepped oat of the school, a home in the future is a post and temporary niche in the city. Alteration and mobility have become the new normal on the dual axes of a dynamic living. With the limited space available, the coordination of different living conditions can be transformed into diversed everyday scenes. Architect discerns the ways to satisfy people* s need of space, while maintaining the flexibility and multiplicity in its division and integration. Using plug-in concept of 3M Taiwan that provides a convenient life, the post-it- like flexible division of spaces can be achieved based on the individual and collective living conditions, as with the modular units of spatial planning. Tlie presented clascicity and mobility in life arc enhanced with lighr-weighr qualities in concrasr to the hardscapc of fixed architectural spaces, lhc soft plasticity and ambiguity reflect the balancing act of younger generations berween themselves and the society as well as between intimacy and openness in their urban