Location: Hsinchu, Taiwan 台灣 新竹
Typology: Residential
Size: 200m²
Status: Built

“Co-Living Home” opens up possibilities for wonderful living among the narrow alleys. Sitting on a site 4 meters wide, a small residential building with one household on each floor is designed that is suitable for rent by young people. By rethinking the circulation of traditional apartments, we disrupt and break the rigid and homogenized style of traditional residences via an unique staircase.

The staggered layout consisting of vertical split-level floors and moving shapes is the most important element of the house. With a surrounding of moving lines, the split-level space is fused with the structure and exterior appearance. Stairs roam between the structure and outer wall, connecting the activities from the first floor to the roof garden, and framing the building’s appearance from the inside out.  The exposed architectural elements resonate with the multiple layers of the interior space.  On the corner of the street, the building integrates the balconies on each floor through an inclined plate, extending the interior space outwards over the corner. Penetrating and rich while offering multiple perspectives, a new inspiration for life in an old city alley has been materialized.


傳統公寓住宅的動線再思考。我們重新思考公寓式住宅的另一種可能性。透過獨特的動線來擾動與打破僵化與均質化的居住型態。利用階梯不同的佈局,串聯室內與戶外,引渡豐富的城市肌理進到室內,以改變空間內部的移動經驗。透過樓地板錯層,區分出居住空間的公私區,提供小型住宅單元室內的空間層次性. 同時營造出建築內部不同居住單元間的垂直社區感;企圖在日漸冷漠的都市中創造出更具互動性與趣味性的住宅空間,提供年輕社群在都市中生活的另一種可能與面貌。
