Location: Najning, China 中國 南京
Typology: Mixed -Use


水平延展的美術館,依偎著山谷中的等高線而座落,山隱於靜謐的湖畔旁。 有如一座大地的雕塑,靜靜地沉澱在自然的舞臺上,借景自然而融合其中。讓訪客緩緩蜿蜒的沿著山谷走入一個開放而水平的敘事空間之中。

 建築與空間上,透過天與地水平線的延伸去融合湖水,透過水去映射天空,透過天空去伴隨遠處的山景。美術館的空間就像是一幅橫向的山水畫,框出天與地之間的水平延伸的空間,空間是內斂也是外伸的。 藉由框景、映射、穿透與借景,自然、人文與藝術在空間中交織呼應,讓人們彷彿置身於自然之間的山水詩意中。




收藏的是藝術, 也是山水

“The landscape, art, humanity and culture in between the horizon.”

The art museum extends along the horizon, nestled against the contour line of the valley and secluded within the mountains near a tranquil lake. As if a sculpture of the earth, the architecture quietly settles on the stage of nature and synthesizes with the natural scenery, while allowing the visitors to stroll along the winding paths of the valley into an open horizon of a narrative space.

In terms of the architecture and space, the extension of the horizon blends in with the lake, where the water reflects the sky to accompany the distant mountainscape in scenery. The spatial quality of the art museum resembles a horizontal landscape painting, framing the spatial extension of the horizon between the sky and earth, giving the space both interior and exterior characteristics. By framing, reflecting, penetrating and borrowing the natural scenery, nature, culture, and art intertwines within space, the visitors will experience and feel the poetic qualities of the natural landscapes.

Architecture is

As transparent as water

As tranquil as mountain

What we collect is art, but also the landscape.